Tuesday, September 6, 2011

System Reset: Sept 11 Ten Years Later Part 2

Going a bit Jack Kerouac on everyone this week (without the drugs, alcohol and external stimulants) so no spell checking, essay like writing (not like I ever do that except in business..) but if I don't say it...I'll never get it out...I'll remain silent thinking it all in my head.... So here we go...In no particular order...Just random ruminations, feelings, things I've been stretching my mental floss over for the past 10 years. Virtual Vomit on board!

My life put in a perspective by a friend last week:
(I had a puzzled look on my face while contemplating recent events and digesting comments)

I said:  Why me?  I'm really quite simple. What is there not to get? Rolling my eyes and shaking my head....


"Susan, (insert substantial pause with that curvy eye brow wiggle looking up to the ceiling that people do when they are contemplating what to say AND how to say it politely)...People have NO idea what to think of you, let alone what to do with you?...
You simply defy the laws of....well....lots of things.  Really, everything.  YOU are just NOT NORMAL!"
Me:  Last time I checked....I figured out, I didn't have to be...Normal.  So I wish people would just deal with it.  (Not that I am smart) but when did normal people become ANYTHING but batteries? 

My life had been like watching and waiting for one car crash after another....If there is a god/higher power etc...s/he is just waiting to see if I pull up my boot straps, figure out I still am here, a couple more scars and wait for me go at it again....Damn energizer bunny (I don't look good in pink though so I'll take the faux fur but in a nice shade of periwinkle and maybe some dark blue lightning bolts down my spine...and an Om sign across my chest instead of "energizer").... is what they call me....

So at any rate.  I'm still here...I'm betting I'm not done with whatever I'm supposed to do...Maybe I'll never know...but h*ll if I'm not going to give it everything I have...skidding into home base and fighting for every last breath.

Time for Kleenex and coffee... This shit is really emotional for me...I've been keeping it in for an awful long time....

BRB (before I edit or delete LOL)  NO FILTER ON....Think whatever you want....It's my life, my story and you will perceive it however you wish....I'm just me....

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