Thursday, April 19, 2012

War is Ugly...The On /Off Switch..Random thoughts

I'm trying to digest and understand a few things this morning one is :

Photos of soldiers w/ dead people.  Yep, I agree it's not a pretty sight.  Not something I want to see over breakfast..

BUT maybe we need to see it...

At the same time maybe the WORLD NEEDs to see equally how horrific the actions of  the  {Insert numerous countries here} atrocities are on a daily basis ...What leaders are capable of doing to their own people... Women, Children...Acid Burns, Mutilation, Rape of 6 year old girls, SLAVERY?....MAYBE then WE the People will understand the true cost all of this hate has to humanity.

We as a human race SHOULD be OUTRAGED... We claim to be "civilized" We claim to be enlightened yet we still treat each other as enemy predators.

Here are my random efforts to understand the "International Incident" that is now circulating with photos around the world....

While normal people have expressed outrage and find this practice 'grotesque, wrong, disturbing'  I would ask as humans: Who are we to cast the first stone from our glass houses?

"We the people" through our "elected representatives" (Which is supposed to be the case in America at least) have asked/allowed these young men and women to go KILL (YES KILL) other HUMANS on behalf and in the name of our country.  They are HUNTERS (A majority NOT highly trained ON/OFF Friend/Foe Kill Switch/ like our SOF teams)

This is their job.  This is what they train to do.

So you send them away from their families, kids, loved ones.  We have asked them to be the judge, jury and executioner of other HUMANS similar but usually speaking foreign tongues and wearing different types of clothing. (Just as their leaders have told them of you...) Confusing to a normal human mind to say the least.

Our Governments have deemed these other HUMANS to be a danger/menace to "our greater safety, health and well being" of OUR (supposedly) CIVILIZED society.  They send SOLDIERS to execute their strategy.


War is nasty, dirty, smelly disgusting It SUCKS the last of the HUMAN out of you (the one they have trained out of you).... Let's be honest here...You wonder why soldiers have such a high rate of PTSD, SUICIDE? Good grief it's not rocket science.....

It's NOT glamorous, fun or pretty. (Doesn't come with background music like in the movies)

So if ANYONE should be blamed for this disgrace it is ALL OF US.... Not some young soldier WE Trained and sent TO KILL people.  In essence these are hunting trophies.... (YUCK it curdles my blood to think that way... BUT it is the only way I can think of it) (Go where it has NOTHING to do with you being a HUMAN...Watch Humans skin Humans alive, sell them as easily as a goat, drag them through the streets (Like Mogadishu) and kill their own people with no conscience whatsoever)...

I'm not excusing it by any means... I'm only saying in my humble opinion WE NEED to take a long hard look at why we are expecting soldiers to exhibit super human psychology and "act appropriately" in such a completely inappropriate insane environment.

Until world leaders leave the safe confines of the "Waldorf Astoria" lifestyle and go spend some time "hunting" and equally being "hunted" by other HUMANS in a harsh environment...Please stop pretending that this doesn't happen on a daily basis globally... Do not make examples of a few individuals (when this is far from an isolated incidence) out to be evil and start throwing stones at glass houses.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I completely agree with what you say. We NEED to start having this discussion for real. Not just in press releases and scientific reports, but it is the duty of all of us, as citizens, to actually think about we are doing to other citizen, both of our nationality and of other nationalities. The way things are operating now isn't working, and we must--not should, not could, but MUST-- change it.