Monday, June 20, 2011

What If....

What if:

American Broadcasters, News Agencies and Papers:

Provided Live Real Time 24 Hour Coverage of Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya ETC. (Like they did during Vietnam) on Television, Radio, Newspaper? 

Do you think the American population could deny the atrocities that are happening 24/7 around the world?

Do you think they would so readily sell arms, souls and soldiers for hire?

Do you think the military-industrial complex would continue to thrive?

 Once the population figures out that WAR does NOT come with background music like in the movies and it is truly as ugly as it gets (NOT like in the movies where the good guy gets kissed by the girl etc...with background music) they would NOT be outraged and think twice about the politicians, companies and agenda of those making the decisions?

I for one, without 24/7 feel like puking at least 3x's per day when I think of all of the humanity, veterans and lives..

The game must stop.  The time is short.  There is NOT an off button.

Please, I beg of you find your conscience...before it's too late.


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