Friday, December 11, 2009

Funny Conversations: Em

In the files of: Favorite things my friends say:

My Friend Em looking over her tea cup....looks up at me dead in the eye and states:

"Perhaps I will write my book about myself when I am 60 and in need of attention" :-)

I of course after deeply staring into my tea cup, introspective and inhaling the steam of the tea, slowly look back up, give her a crooked smile and raised eyebrow and state: 

"Perhaps I will attempt to write a book about my travels now....volume 2 about myself in entirety to be released upon my death" I will be at rest and still make people laugh long after I am dead.   

To which we both start giggling...

And then.....

She calls me on it:


The only thing I could reply with was:


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