Having both Long & Short positions creates liquidity in the market for institutional clients(NOTE: NOT individual investors!!!!!)! This allows for an efficient and stable system.
They should think before throwing stones @ glass houses. Look @ the disaster brewing @ Fannie, Freddie, FHLB. They are the ones who created the regulations and over sight for them.
The Senate needs 2 take Market Making & Finance for dummies
Looking for someone to blame on their own poor policy. I'm just sayin! I don't claim to know how to do brain surgery! So before you accuse Wall Street of being THE reason the economy tanked do your stinking homework! (that does NOT mean being a CPA qualifies you ehhhmmmm) Clean up your inefficient (SEC Porn watching) back yard before you start trying to tell others how to run theirs! (that said there are plenty of improvements that Wall Street can make to improve the transparency and efficiency of the Mortgage Markets....
Im not saying it is perfect. Im just saying that a team of Financial/economist educated professors from institutions SME's Subject Matter Experts) would have been a better choice for fact finding and interview the team from Goldman Sachs than a bunch of non finance educated people (who have a ton of power, shape policy, regulation and legislation)! The senate should be ashamed at their behavior. ehhhmm