Saturday, September 6, 2008

Golf on Guam

There is something soothing strangely enough about the Roosters crowing while hitting off the Tee on the Nimitz Golf Course on Guam :-) Perhaps it is a small reminder to relax as nothing is quite that serious. As my friend Bill says “We still have our birthdays!” (a.k.a we are still alive to celebrate them). It was such a 190 out from golfing at the Greenwich Country Club for the last 15 years.... I had a pair of cargo shorts (fully stuffed with various kid paraphanlia), linen giant shirt and the only golf appropriate item I was wearing was my foot joy golf shoes. Under all of this was my weekend uniform (my bikini) still wet from my swim earlier that morning.... The kids are allowed to not only play (golf) on the course but DRIVE the carts! How awesome.... They have to be 12 to play 18 holes in Greenwich!

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